f r o m t h e a c t i n g s e c r e ta r y SINCE MARCH 2007, bI/b have had the privilege of serving as the Smithsonian?s Acting Secretary. This has been a year of great challenge, but also one of great accomplishment. b....../b Jr. EU Services* Eurocopter Communications Directorate Fannie Mae Foundation The Ella Fitzgerald Charitable Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Fogg Mr. Glenn R. Fuhrman Fundaç?o Portugal Telecom Hope L. and John L. bFurth/b Shelby and Frederick Gans Mr. Jeff b.../b
Möbel Brückl Boutique in Cham; el decorado in Viechtach; Junge Mode in Cham, Furth im Wald, Waldmünchen; Bayerische Spielbank Bad Kötzting; Pullman City Eging a. See; Liederbühne Robinson Runding; Bayerwald Tierpark Lohberg, ...